We are happy that we met Stephan Kuehr and Aleksander Ciszek already during the very early days of 3YOURMIND and are really proud to see that they turned their vision into a sustainable additive business. We are convinced that 3YOURMIND’s automated software suite is revolutionizing the end-to end AM workflow and leads the path to agile manufacturing.
AM Ventures is a value driven investment company with a mission to find, support, and scale the most innovative and impactful technological solutions to combat the climate crisis and other future challenges.
We invest in the best people with the brightest ideas, and are convinced that 3D printing changes the world to become a better place.
Are you a startup looking for funding to launch your industrial 3D printing venture?
Are you a startup looking for funding to launch your industrial 3D printing venture?
© AM Ventures – 2022
© AM Ventures – 2022